
Overview of the rewards system for participants and contributors

Rewards for Participants and Contributors

Rewards in the Saltwater Games ecosystem will be multifaceted and designed to incentivise both participation and contribution.

One aspect of rewards is earning tokens through competition and play. This includes participating in races, completing quests, or contributing to the broader community in meaningful ways. This not only incentivises active participation in events and gameplay but also helps distribute the native currency to the player base.

Another aspect of the rewards system is related to the ownership of NFTs like the Pit Pass or Racetrack NFT. Owners of these assets can earn rewards based on the economic activity generated. For instance, Racetrack NFT owners may earn a portion of the revenue from races held on the tracks they are a member of, and Pit Pass holders who manage teams as Team Principles may receive rewards for all economic activity generated across the Celeros regions.

Rewards are also distributed for participation in governance. By voting on proposals, players can earn additional tokens, encouraging engagement with the game's decision-making processes.

Lastly, the ecosystem has a system of badges and collectables that can be earned by achieving certain milestones or demonstrating particular skills. These can serve as both a status symbol and a form of reward for players.

Through these reward mechanisms, we hope to foster an active, engaged community of players who are incentivised to contribute to the game's success.

Proof of Contribution and Participation

In the Saltwater Games ecosystem, it's crucial to not only incentivise participation and contribution, but also to accurately measure it. This is where the Proof of Contribution and Participation comes into play. This system serves as a mechanism to track and quantify the active involvement of NFT holders in the ecosystem.

Each NFT in the ecosystem, whether it's a Paddock Club Pass, Pit Pass, or Racetrack NFT, has Contribution and Participation requirements attached to it. By completing the requirements each epoch, a rating is applied and can be thought of as a measure of how actively the holder is participating in the ecosystem and contributing to its growth and success.

The actions that could increase this rating might include participation in races, voting on governance proposals, attending virtual/IRL events, or promoting ecosystem awareness. For example, a Paddock Club NFT holder might lose rating points hence reducing their rewards by not actively participating in governance decisions or contributing to the Play2Impact investment treasury decision making. Conversely, a Pit Pass holder could boost the rating attached to their NFT by managing a successful race team or participating in special in-game events.

This rating connected to each NFT held during an epoch directly affects the distribution rate of $XR tokens to the NFT holder. The higher the Contribution and Participation rating, the more tokens are distributed to the holder. This provides a tangible reward for active engagement and ensures that the most dedicated and involved players receive the greatest benefits.

This system is designed to create a positive feedback loop: the more a player contributes to the ecosystem, the more they are rewarded, and the more incentive they have to continue contributing. This not only benefits the individual players but also fosters a vibrant, active, and dedicated community, which is crucial to the success of the Saltwater Games ecosystem.

Last updated