
Overview of the game features, player experiences and mixed-reality augmentations


Celeros offers a free-to-play mode, where players can explore the game's mechanics and features at their own pace. Racing in teams and against their peers, online and offline. Those that progress in mastering the academy will learn about baseline vehicle configuration, the unique mechanics and varied environmental impacts on their game strategy. Those who excel will find themselves levelling up and taking larger risks for greater rewards.


As an experienced racer, you'll be offered the opportunity to expand your engagement with the world of Celeros by engaging in the more competitive and risky aspects of the game. This includes competitive play where you can challenge your friends and other gamers from around the world in events with stakes.

Performance Parts & Configuration

To be competitive in Compete-to-Earn play, players must master the art of vehicle setup and configuration strategy. Choose from a range of modifications, including engine specifications, power-ups, battery selection, vehicle upgrades, and aerodynamics adaptations, to optimise your vehicle's performance.

Experiment with different performance parts to find the perfect setup for your racing style, the type of track you'll be racing on, and the environmental conditions of the next race. Assess factors like weight, speed, and vehicle condition to give yourself an edge over your opponents.


Unique and thrilling, Celeros Tournaments offer an innovative tournament design structure that supports the highest levels of competition in the game. Tournaments at the highest levels are designed based on core elements of some of the most successful games in history to ensure the best of the best are more than just drivers of great skill, but also have developed complex strategic thinking and fostered their ability to work in teams.

In order to be the best, you will not only have to be the sharpest on the controls but also become an expert at making decisions that improve your long-term expected value of being a competitive racer. This means that not all race events will be made equal and the skills each racer develops based on their access will enable them to specialise in different conditions which will give them their edge.

Player Experiences


Racers are the stars of the game, their skills are on show and their ability to maintain their nerve as the pressure builds in tournaments and premium racing events fuels the excitement for fans.

Being a racer requires you to understand the depths of the game and how the vehicles function, master tracks and get comfortable with risk and reward as in order to take home the biggest prizes, racers will need to put their tokens and their assets on the line.

Team Principles

The pressure of being in the digital cockpit is not for everyone, and Celeros has strategic pathways for those more adept at real-time strategy. By holding a Pit Pass you have the ability to start a and manage a team. As Team Principal, you are in charge of the economic, resource and people management of your team. Working together enhances the experiences and gives you the best possible chance of being rewarded in the biggest tournaments.

Lending: As race costs become more expensive the higher the rewards, managers play a role in supporting the best racers to participate. In order for the best racers to compete they will often need to have financial support to enter the races as they move up the ranks. Lending provides an opportunity for people to work together with a Team Principal to put their Celeros digital assets to work.


Council Members

The Celeros project was founded out of the desire to deliver an AAA-quality experience to web3 gamers incorporating principles of education, good-faith competition, community impact and fun. To make this successful, the game must be as open and transparent as possible with community governance around the mechanisms of value transference with the view to deliver a governance model with the least friction and rules minimisation to maximise the free flow of value.

Council Election: To elect council members, citizens of Celeros use their influence to nominate another citizen or delegate their influence to a nominee.

Candidates for the council must be proposed prior to the election, followed by a formal voting period. The Overseer (Saltwater Games) will collate all proposed members, and prepare the candidates to be voted on by the citizens with influence.

Voting Mechanism: A quadratic voting mechanism or similar will be utilised to reduce the voting power of large influencers to reduce monopolistic and exclusory behaviours. Systems like this have been used somewhat successfully by a number of other protocols with the objective being to improve fairness by weighting votes to meet the needs of the community as a whole.

Policy Levers: There are two governance channels the Council Elect will exhibit control over as representatives of Celeros:

  1. On-Chain Configurations: Global Constants are on-chain variables to control the fundamental nature of the value transference between citizens and entities in the Celeros game. These include reward rates, marketplace fees and game balance-related variables plus more.

  2. Off-Chain Modifications: Local Constants are off-chain policies. These changes affect the digital experiences of Celeros and require The Overseer’s intervention including designing, building and delivering digital assets such as new tracks (the resource-generating asset on Celeros) and allocation of real-world capital to impact investment opportunities via the treasury.

Watching-the-Watchmen: Situations where changes to Celeros’s governance structure will require unanimous agreement or referendum. For example, the Council Elect will serve for a term and its duration can only be modified by a referendum to adjust an off-chain variable.

Rewarding the Council: The Council will be rewarded at the end of each term. As the council will have a vested interest in the success of Celeros, their rewards will be in the form of Celeros digital assets and/or Saltwater Games tokens.


In racing and in digital sports there is always room for error in the results. Rather than leave all decisions to chance, gamers can choose to participate in adjudication which is a consensus result rewarding the adjudicators who are in the majority and are rewarded by the staked tokens that are in the minority on any decision. In Celeros reality is a construct of consensus.

Fantasy Managers

Racer fantasy takes fantasy a step further by staking in the success of a racer's career. By owning gamer cards and playing them each week you are rewarded for their success. Earlier minted cards are rewarded more as the racer succeeds.

Each season the cards are reset and the cards you hold become collectibles. Fantasy players are rewarded for identifying new talent and supporting them early.

Each racer who chooses to mint their cards has reduced fees to enter the races as they are paid for by their fantasy community. For example, a racer may make up to 50% of their season community owned. This means each card represents a fraction of 50% of the value to own the card and an equal portion of rights to the rewards.

User Generated Content (UGC) Creators

All citizens of Celeros are a part of the journey and can contribute to its narrative and design development, with players further empowered to shape the game world through user-generated content (UGC). These creator contributions to the Celeros marketplace can be bought and sold, animating a vibrant ecosystem of player-created content.

Creators will be able to produce engaging content for their audiences and develop more exciting tracks on which the economic activity will be driven back to the creator.


Decentralised tournament broadcasting rights to enable all content creators to pull live streams from multiple angles to develop their own content and share it with their audiences.


Celeros embodies the essence of mixed reality, extending far beyond the utilisation of advanced technologies for immersive experiences. It encompasses every aspect of the metaverse and in-game world, forging connections between the virtual and the real. Through strategic partnerships with real-world race series, Celeros offers players unparalleled opportunities to engage in immersive digital experiences while fostering pathways for them to transition into the real world as future pilots.

Our commitment to mixed reality goes beyond the virtual realm. We actively seek input and involvement from our community to identify bespoke deal flow opportunities that align with our vision for positive impact. Through this collaborative approach, community members have the chance to contribute to the Saltwater Games Impact Treasury Fund, which supports investments with dual-return potential—financial gains and real-world impact. By rewarding those who identify these opportunities, we empower our community to shape the future of Celeros and make a tangible difference in the world.

We believe in democratising access and providing opportunities for players and contributors to bridge the gap between Celeros and the real world. Our partnerships with real-world race entities and investors open doors for skilled operators to enter the racing industry and pursue their dreams as future pilots. This unique blend of virtual and real experiences, coupled with the chance to be rewarded for identifying impactful investment opportunities, sets Celeros apart as a true pioneer in the realm of mixed reality.

Celeros takes the best from both realities, leveraging the transformative power of technology and the potential of real-world engagement to deliver the highest value impact and unrivalled experiences. Through our commitment to mixed reality, we invite players and contributors to embark on a journey that transcends virtual boundaries, shaping their own destinies as they become a part of the world of Celeros.

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