
Explanation of how community governance works within the Saltwater Games ecosystem

Community-Led Governance

In a decentralised gaming ecosystem like Saltwater Games, community governance is a key element. It empowers players and stakeholders to have a direct say in the development and direction of the games and broader initiatives and digital experiences.

Community governance typically involves the use of a governance token that enables holders to vote on proposals. These proposals can cover a broad range of topics, from new game features to changes in tokenomics. By holding the Saltwater Games token, players become stakeholders in the game's future.

Governance is enacted through a decentralised autonomous organisation (DAO) model, where decisions are made collectively by token holders with the respective NFTs held that enable certain types of decision making. The amount of tokens a player holds determines the weight of their vote, ensuring that those with a larger stake in the game's success have a correspondingly larger influence.

Note: This is not proposed to be a linear voting model, a model that best suits the governance requirements will be determined in the tokenomics design.

The Paddock Club NFT holders, as mentioned earlier, have a significant role in governance decisions. This not only includes decisions about the Celeros game but extends to the entire Saltwater Games ecosystem. Their influence over the strategic direction of Saltwater Games is substantial.

Community's Role in Decision-making

Community members, particularly those holding Governance NFTs, have substantial influence over the ecosystem's strategic direction and their reach includes:

Voting on Proposals: Community members can propose initiatives, changes or developments within the ecosystem. These proposals can range from new game features, race rules, track modifications, and even broader strategic initiatives. Once a proposal is submitted, NFT holders can cast their votes to accept or reject it. The weight of a vote typically depends on the type of NFT held and its associated Contribution and Participation rating.

  • Capital Allocation: In some cases, community members can participate in capital allocation decisions. For instance, Paddock Club NFT holders can participate in the Play2Impact investment treasury, directing growth and development within the Saltwater Games studio and helping to allocate capital to dual-return investment opportunities.

  • Directing Development: Community members can influence the direction of game development, including the design and development of race tracks, through their voting power. This can directly impact the success and growth of the game, making community governance an integral part of Saltwater Games' evolution.

Practical Process

The process of community governance typically involves the following steps:

  1. Proposal Submission: Any eligible community member can submit a proposal for consideration. The proposal should clearly outline the changes or developments being suggested.

  2. Community Discussion: Before any voting takes place, there's usually a period for discussion. This allows community members to ask questions, provide feedback, or suggest modifications to the proposal.

  3. Voting Period: After the discussion period, a vote is held. Depending on the type of NFT held and the associated Contribution and Participation rating, members cast their votes.

  4. Proposal Implementation: If the proposal receives the required number of votes, it is accepted and moves into the implementation phase

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